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Vixea Manplus destruction we have all of this and there's this amazing moment so cuz I can give you guys some hope there's this amazing moment in the first moments of the fall it's called the protoevangelium where does the first prophecy of the redemption of man and it the fall has just happened and God is pronouncing the curse and he's telling Adam listen you're gonna have to work you're gonna have to slave the sweat of your brow this is what's gonna happen  Vixea Manplus you guys have to leave now there's gonna be pain in childbirth all of this isn't God being angry well you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make things really horrible for you this is God saying because of your sin which distances you from us this is what is going to happen now because you'll be far away work enters in in a new level sweat pain anguish you'll be able to love through.

